Cost of Our Online Reputation Management Packages

Please check our online reputation management pricing details below to know what our plans include and what you get in a particular plan.

  • Plans

    Our Online Review | Reputation Management Package Features; What activites we'll review and analyse for you?

    • - Initial Review & Analysis -
    • Search Terms Covered
    • Search Positions Protected & Monitored
    • Dedicated Account Mangement
    • Twice Personal Consultations/Month
    • Micro Websites Development
    • Micro Blog Setup
    • Blog Writing + Optimization
    • Article Writing + Submissions
    • Press Releases Writing + Submissions
    • Social Media Bookmarking
    • Profiles Creation
    • Facebook Account Setup + Promotion
    • Twitter Account Setup + Promotion
    • Flickr Account Setup + Promotion
    • YouTube Account Setup + Promotion
    • LinkedIn Account Setup + Promotion
    • Business Lisitings
    • Forum Profiles Creation
    • Forum Comments With Aged | New Accounts
    • Ning Social Network Creation
    • Squidoo Lens Maintenance
    • Hub Page Creation | Promotion
    • Blogger Web Creation | Promotion
    • Blog Comment
    • Blog Social Bookmarking
    • Blog RSS Directory Submission
    • Quora Profile Optimization | (Q/A)
    • Photo Sharing
    • Reviews Optmization
    • PPT Submissions
    • Search Engine Submissions
    • Guest Posts Writing | Submissions
    • Additional Link Luilding Strategies
    • Consultation With RBS, Inc. CEO
    • Monthly | Weekly Reporting
    • Optional PPC Management (Paid By Client)
    • Progressive Monthly ORM (Min 6 Month Duration)
  • Basic


    Get Started
    • - What You Get -
    • Up to 3
    • 1 to 10
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 1
    • Yes
    • 1
    • 2
    • No
    • 100
    • 5
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 5
    • 2
    • 5
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 2
    • 10
    • 2
    • 10
    • 2
    • Yes
    • 2
    • Yes
    • 1
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • $399/month
  • Premium


    Get Started
    • - What You Get -
    • Up to 15
    • 1 to 30
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 4
    • Yes
    • 4
    • 10
    • 3
    • 400
    • 20
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 20
    • 10
    • 20
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • 10
    • 30
    • 10
    • 30
    • 10
    • Yes
    • 10
    • Yes
    • 4
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • $999/month

Need a custom reputation management package designed to meet your precise needs? Consult with our expert today.

Our Online Reputation Management Pricing Package Categories

Every business is different, and so are their ORM needs. We offer 3 categories of online reputation management packages that you can choose from as per your needs:

Top-of-the-line ORM Strategies


Our Basic online reputation management pricing package offers essential online reputation management solutions. These are perfect for individuals and small businesses looking to establish their digital presence. Affordable and straightforward, the Basic Package is an ideal starting point for those beginning their journey toward a positive online image.

Content Promotion


Our standard ORM packages are tailored for businesses seeking comprehensive solutions. In addition to the features included in the Basic Package, you'll benefit from advanced review management, proactive reputation monitoring, strategic content development, and more. These packages are Perfect for businesses looking to boost their online presence in the digital landscape.

Keyword Research


We offer a premium ORM package for enterprises and large-scale companies. These packages deliver unmatched sophistication & positive results. In addition to the services offered in the Basic and Standard Packages, you'll gain access to premium features like advanced analytics and proactive reputation enhancement strategies.

Why Do You Need Online Reputation Management Packages?

The online reputation of your brand can make or break your business success. It is an important factor that can streamline your long-term growth. Here is why your brand needs ORM packages:

Stature Management Project

Brand Reputation Inspires Trust

Reputation is the foundation of trust within the digital landscape. Your reputation helps establish the perception of your brand in your target audience. Online reputation management pricing packages ensure your brand is consistently seen in the best light across various online platforms. They solidify your brand's trust through ongoing monitoring and strategic interventions which reinforces your connection with your target audience.

Brand Reputation

Positive Reputation Builds Credibility

A robust online reputation boosts confidence in your brand. It elevates your brand's credibility in the target market. ORM packages tirelessly curate and promote positive business aspects, establishing your brand as dependable and trustworthy in the consumer market. By consistently highlighting your strengths and achievements, online reputation management packages enhance your brand's authority in the industry.

Manage Online Presence

Negative Reviews Reduce Engagement

Negative feedback can drastically affect consumer engagement & brand perception. Online reputation management equips your brand with the necessary tools and strategies to promptly and effectively counter negative feedback, managing and resolving customer complaints to diminish the detrimental effects of poor reviews on your brand's reputation and audience trust.

Manage Online Presence

Positive Reviews Drive Relevant Leads

Positive feedback acts as a strong endorsement for your brand. They foster engagement and generate leads. ORM Packages aim to enhance the visibility and impact of favorable reviews, drawing potential customers and driving relevant business leads. They leverage positive feedback to expand your customer base which boosts your sales & revenue.

Manage Online Presence

More Visibility Equals More Potential Sales

Increased online visibility directly translates into more sales opportunities. Online reputation management packages boost your brand's presence across digital channels, maximizing exposure to your target audience. They lay the groundwork for capturing leads and converting them into potential sales.

Manage Online Presence

Brand Perception Affects Your Bottom Line

The way consumers perceive your brand profoundly influences its profitability. ORM packages focus on shaping and managing your online brand perception. These strategies address potential reputational risks to preserve a positive image and brand reputation.

Manage Online Presence

Complement Your Marketing Efforts

Online reputation management pricing plans integrate seamlessly with your marketing strategies. Aligning ORM tactics with marketing objectives enables you to amplify the efficiency and scope of your campaigns. This reinforces your brand message and drives increased engagement and conversions.

Manage Online Presence

Improve Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is pivotal for ensuring long-term suссess. ORM strategies strengthen the bond between your brand and its customers by attentively addressing feedback and concerns, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction. This ensures seamless business and brand advocacy and that helps build a loyal customer base.

Need a custom reputation management plan?

Features of Our Result-Driven Online Reputation Management Pricing Packages

RBS Reputation Management company takes pride in being the leading ORM services provider in India. We offer a comprehensive suite of services ideal for startups as well as large-scale enterprises. Following is a breakdown of the features that you get with our ORM pricing packages:

Competition Research

We engage in detailed competition research that allows us to thoroughly understand your market landscape. We identify key competitors, scrutinize their online reputation strategies, and conduct a SWOT analysis to uncover industry trends and market opportunities. This comprehensive approach enables us to craft strategies that effectively differentiate your brand. This approach positions your business as an industry leader. It ensures that you stay ahead in the competitive business market.

Custom ORM Strategy

Our experts design a personalized ORM strategy uniquely designed to meet your specific business needs & goals. We start with a detailed evaluation of your existing online reputation to identify areas of improvement. From there, we develop a tailored roadmap with clear goals, tactics, and timelines. Whether you aim to enhance brand visibility, address negative feedback, or navigate reputation crises, our adaptive strategy aligns with your objectives.

Negative Review Analysis

We monitor & analyze negative reviews to pinpoint problems and implement effective solutions. We employ sophisticated sentiment analysis to dissect feedback, identifying patterns and trends that signal areas for improvement. By addressing these concerns, whether through product enhancements, customer service improvements, or process optimizations, we convert negative feedback into opportunities for positive change.

Bad Press & Malicious Content Evaluation

We conduct detailed evaluations of bad press that could tarnish your brand's reputation. We identify and assess negative content across diverse platforms using state-of-the-art monitoring tools. We analyze source credibility, reach, and audience engagement. Our strategic responses are designed to counteract and neutralize the negative impact on your brand.

Content Strategy

A robust content plan is vital for sustaining a positive online reputation. Our ORM packages provide bespoke content strategies that resonate with your brand's identity, values, and goals. Through extensive audience research, we create content that engages and appeals to your target market. This approach fosters trust and positive perceptions. From driving traffic to establishing thought leadership, our strategic content marketing efforts play a pivotal role in building your reputation.

Social Media Strategy

Social media significantly impacts your brand's reputation and consumer perceptions. Our ORM packages provide strategic planning for key platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. We analyze your audience’s ԁdemographics, рreferenсes, and behaviors to tailor our approach. This ensures that your social media activities align with your brand values and resonates with your аuԁienсe.

Reputation Crisis Management

Our packages include comprehensive crisis management solutions to mitigate damage and rebuild trust during a reputation crisis. Our experienced team quickly implements strategic communications and damage control measures to minimize lasting impacts on your brand's reputation. We develop crisis response plans to make informed decisions while guiding you through challenging situations.

Google Business Profile Setup

A well-optimized Google Business Profile is crucial for local search rankings and shaping consumer perceptions. Our ORM packages ensure your profile is accurately and comprehensively set up for maximum visibility and engagement. We conduct keyword research, verify your business information, and enhance your profile's details to boost your local SEO and facilitate customer connections.

Proactive Reputation Monitoring

Our ORM packages include a thorough monitoring of your brand's online reputation to preempt potential issues or threats. Advanced tools helр us track your brand’s mentions, reviews, and conversations across the web, allowing us to identify and address reputational risks promptly. This proactive approach helps maintain a positive online presence and offers actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Transparent Reporting

Transparency is a core value in our ORM services. We ensure you are well-informed at every stage. Our reports provide detailed insights into key metriсs, trends, and performance indicators, enabling you to evaluate our strategy’s effectiveness. Regular updates and recommendations allow you to fine-tune your online reputation management efforts which fosters a trust-based partnership with clear communication and accountability.

What Factors Do We Consider to Determine the Online Reputation Management Package Pricing?

We recognize that each business has unique ORM needs. This enables us to create tailored packages that align with your business requirements. Our transparent pricing structure is influenced by several critical factors affecting the success of the campaign.

Here is a look at the factors we consider to determine the online reputation management pricing & plans:

Factors that we take into account to determine the ORM pricing:

  • Project Complexity
  • The complexity of your ORM project heavily influences the pricing structure. We consider the project's complexity by evaluating the number of channels to monitor, content volume, and required engagement levels. Dealing with numerous stakeholders, diverse online platforms, and significant reputational challenges requires a lot of resources and expertise. This is what affects the overall ORM pricing plans.

  • Scope of Services
  • The range of services you select within an ORM plan also impacts the pricing. Our offerings span online reputation monitoring, review management, content creation, social media oversight, crisis response, and more. The value and impact of services needed affect the cost. Our team collaborates with you to define a service scope that aligns with your objectives and budget.

  • Resources Requirement
  • The resources necessary for executing your ORM project are crucial for price determination. This encompasses our team's expertise, necessary technology, and tools for monitoring and analysis. This may also include any extra resources to tackle particular challenges or opportunities. We evaluate your resource needs to allocate adequate support for achieving the best outcomes within your budget limits.

  • Time Required to Get Positive Results
  • The timeframe to attain positive results is another factor for package price calculation. Addressing urgent reputational issues may demand prompt action, whereas cultivating a long-term positive online reputation might require sustained efforts. Our pricing reflects the necessary time and effort to realize your long-term ORM goals.

All the above aspects become critical to determining the internet reputation management pricing calculation.

We analyze your image before we create ORM action plans.

Our Process After You Choose Our Online Reputation Management Package

RBS Reputation Management follows a comprehensive process for implementing the ORM campaign. Here is how we go about executing the campaign once you choose our online reputation management pricing packages:

  • Market Research
  • We do in-depth market research to grasp your industry's ORM landscape. We look at your competition to create a campaign strategy that meets your goals. Our analysis identifies market trends, consumer preferences, and competitor strategies, enabling us to craft an informed & effective approach.

  • Online Reputation Analysis
  • We perform an extensive analysis of your existing online reputation. This allows us to highlight your strengths and рinpoint improvement areas. This analysis сovers online reviews, social media mentions, search engine results, and other key sources, providing a holistic view of your brand's digital presence.

  • ORM Campaign Creation
  • After the initiаl research, we create a bespoke ORM campaign based on your objectives. Our team emрloys a variety of strategies to enhance your online image. This process includes setting clear goals, defining the target audience, and selecting the optimal channels and tactics for achieving your desired results.

  • High-Quality Content Creation
  • Our team generates engaging and relevant content to highlight your brand's advantages. The content captivates your audience and boosts your online visibility. We produce a variety of content types ranging from informative blog posts to dynamic social media updates. The content is crafted to resonate with your audience and embody your brand's essence.

  • Search Result Monitoring
  • We vigilantly monitor search engine results to ensure your brand is represented accurately and positively. We swiftly address any adverse content to uphold a favorable online presence. Our monitoring activities span tracking keyword rankings, observing search engine algorithm changes, and identifying opportunities to enhance search visibility.

  • Brand Mention Monitoring
  • Our comprehensive monitoring includes tracking your brand's mentions across diverse online platforms, responding to feedback, and engaging with your audience to reinforce a positive brand image. We extenԁ our monitoring beyond social media to forums, review sites, news sources, and other digital venues where your brand is discussed.

  • Google Business Profile Setup & Optimization
  • We create and optimize your Google Business Profile to boost your local search visibility. The idea is to improve user experience and drive increased traffic to your business. Our optimization activities include refining business details, integrating relevant keywords, and fostering positive reviews to amplify your profile's visibility & credibility.

  • Social Media Profile Optimization
  • We refine your social media profiles to accurately represent your brand identity. This boosts engagement and establishes ԁeeрer connections with your audience. Our approach includes optimizing profile details, curating engaging сontent, interacting with followers, and utilizing analytics to enhance your social media presence.

  • Review Management
  • We actively manage your online reviews by promoting positive feedback and addressing negative comments. Our tactics involve encouraging reviews from satisfied clients, resolving customer issues promptly, and consistently monitoring review platforms for new feedback.

  • Quick Negative Review Response
  • We respond to negative reviews quickly & professionally. We address сonсerns, solve issues, and show your commitment to customer satisfaction. Our objective is to transform negative experiences into positive ones by providing timely and personalized responses that demonstrate your willingness to go out of your way to serve your clientele.

  • Crisis Management & Damage Control
  • In case of a reputation crisis, we deploy an extensive crisis management strategy to reduce damage and rebuild trust. Our approach protects your brand's reputation amidst crisis. The strategy includes crafting сrisis communication plans, engaging with stakeholders, managing media relations, and ongoing monitoring and assessment.

  • Reporting and Monitoring
  • We deliver regular reрorts and conduct continuous monitoring to track progress, evaluate performance, and apply data-driven improvements to refine your ORM strategy effectively. Our ORM reports feature key performance indicators (KPIs). We provide actionable recommendations baseԁ on our analysis of the latest trends.

Kindly note that this is a standard process we follow, however, for some ORM projects this may be customized and the online reputation management pricing maybe determined considering the process we approach.

Want to Remove Information From the Internet?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need an ORM package for my brand?

Maintaining a robust online reputation is crucial in the competitive business landscape. Your reputation significantly influences consumer trust and decision-making. An ORM package assists in monitoring, managing, and enhancing your online image which ensures your brand is perceived positively by potential customers.

How do I fix my bad online reputation?

To rectify a negative online reputation, a strategic approach is necessary. Our online reputation management costs and plans include services like content creation, SEO optimization, social media management, review monitoring, and crisis management. All of these activities are aimed at counteracting negative content and building positive brand narratives.

How can I choose the right ORM package?

Selecting the appropriate ORM package involves considering your budget, the level of reputation damage, your industry specifics, and your objectives. Our experts will guiԁe you in identifying your needs and selecting a package that aligns with your goals.

Do you offer custom ORM packages?

Yes. We provide custom reputation management packages designed to meet the unique requirements and aspirations of each client. Whether you seek extensive reputation management or specific services, we have got you covered.

Can I negotiate the ORM package pricing?

While our pricing is competitive and reflects our service quality, we are open to discussing pricing options for custom plans that fit your budget and requirements.

Are your ORM packages flexible?

Our ORM packages are comprehensive and include the core services that your business needs to establish its credibility. Still, we offer custom packages with flexible service options. You can get in touch with our team to discuss your requirements and get an ORM pricing package that meets your needs.

How can I control my online reputation?

Our ORM packages enable you to steer your online reputation proactively through diligent monitoring. We facilitate engaging interactions with customers and stakeholders. Our team takes care of strategic content creation alongside responsive crisis management.

How did you determine the ORM pricing?

Our pricing is established based on the scope of services, project complexity, required expertise, and resources needed to attain your desired outcomes.

What core activities do your online reputation management pricing plans include?

RBS is the best online reputation management services provider in India. Our ORM packages include online reputation analysis, content creation and distribution, review management, and social media monitoring. We also offer crisis management which is integral to maintaining a positive brand image.

How long will it take for me to see positive results with your ORM packages?

The timeframe to see positive results with an ORM campaign varies. It depends on your online reputation's current state, industry competitiveness, and the ORM strategies employed. We commit to delivering improvements promptly while keeping you updated throughout the process.

Online Reputation – It Takes Years to Build, Seconds to Get Destroyed!!

Is your online reputation affecting your brand or your image? Cover your online reputation and presence with our help.

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